First off, I want to say that this is post will not be morbid at all. I am a very positive person and try to “live for the day.” However, I do think a person can/should have goals he/she wants to accomplish in this life. What is the saying – Life is a journey? Well, I am in it for the long haul!
Second, some of these items on the list are already things that I am planning. My hubby laughs at some of them, because they are pretty basic vacation ideas and just need budgeting and scheduling, but I still think they should be included. (Yes, I like to cross stuff off a list!).
Third, some of you who know me well will laugh at some of them – but that’s ok. As I become more and more comfortable being “me” I think I can expand my “horizons” a little more. Now, I am not going completely wild and crazy, but I maybe I can get out of my “Mommy” role a little more.
So here it is – my bucket list:
1. Go to Disney World with my family (and yes, all my FAMILY!)
2. Take A & B snorkeling in the Turks & Caicos
3. Visit the pyramids of Egypt (I think I can talk someone into this)
4. Head back to Hawaii with my family
5. Figure out how to download pictures from my camera to the computer (don’t laugh – I still can’t do this)
6. Have a girls only trip with my besties from Drake
7. See a show on Broadway
8. Go parasailing
9. Learn to surf
10. Establish a scholarship at my high school in honor of my parents (this is going to take a lot of budgeting!)
11. Go to a Jimmy Buffett concert at Alpine Valley
12. Go skiing (this has been a while, so hopefully I can check this one off soon!)
13. Learn how to water ski
14. Run a 5K
15. Go to the MVC championships in St. Louis, MO. Go BU!
16. Go to the Olympics
As a disclaimer, this list is constantly evolving! For example, approximately 15 years ago, it included meeting Grant Hill, being in the audience of the Rosie O’Donnell show and playing golf with Tiger Woods! However, it did include items #3 and #16. And you know I love to travel, so there is kind of a theme (as you can probably see!)
So, what about you? Anything new and exciting that is a must? And why? I love to hear about other Moms’ plans and dreams, so please share. And I know I am missing some cool events.
Jean Anne
P.S. The budget is set for #1 for September 2013 AND I will be running a 5K for Knox’s Homecoming in October 2011. Mark your calendars and meet me at the finish line!
Yeah, we can schedule in the pyramids. Easy-peasy. In terms of the camera, uh, plug it into the computer, weirdo.