Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolution Time

It's a new year, and as the tv commercial suggests, it's time for a new you. 

Actually I think the "old" you is perfect and that you don't need to change, but January is the time for resolutions, and many of us are on day 3 of trying to improve upon ourselves in some way. 

 I did not make a resolution in 2012.  I did make a resolution in 2011 - and kept to it through the third week of February - but overall my 2011 resolution did not result in a new or better me.  Instead, I was just disappointed in myself that I couldn't even keep to a resolution to do something I wanted to do for myself.  As a result, no 2012 resolution for me. 

I admire people who make new year's resolutions.  I find the whole new year's resolution process a bit uncomfortable - like preparing to go to confession.  You have to really evaluate yourself and identify something you want to improve upon and make a plan as to how to make that improvement happen.  While I think that most people would be quick to admit they aren't perfect, it's still hard to really look at yourself and your life in that way.  Challenging and rewarding. 

If you are on day three of your new year's resolution, there are a bunch of web sites out there dedicated to helping you be successful.  http://ibdcrohns.about.com/cs/mentalhealth/a/newyearresolve.htm  If you are still thinking about what resolution to make, there's also help for that: http://www.umm.edu/features/resolutions_guide.htm  And, if you've already thrown in the towel on your 2012 change, be comforted.  There's even websites addressing that: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,2040218,00.html

I wish you the best of luck in obtaining your 2012 resolution.  But if for some reason your 2012 change doesn't go as planned, don't beat yourself up too much.  There are a lot of people who thought you were pretty great just the way you were in 2011. 


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