As most of you know, I headed to Vegas last week with my hubby for our 7th wedding anniversary (and our 1st time away since the kids were born). After spending quality time with him, I realized that “wow – we really need to do this more often!” Who knew he had no idea what the price range of jewelry was at Tiffany’s? And I think he was driven to find Scooby Doo and Princess stuff for the girls than I was (and that included buying miniature airplanes at the airport!).
On a separate note, I had forgotten how easy it was to hang out with him and just watch a game (although, the Packers did lose!). And that I need to have a plan when I travel with him. As many of you know, my hubby is a planner. And traveling with kids requires planning, which fits him to a T! When we got to Vegas, I had vague plans for an anniversary dinner at a nice restaurant and maybe a show. Note to self, to avoid the constant “what are we going to do next” question, next time, let him plan the itinerary.
Unfortunately, as many of you know, we don’t have the time or the money to go on vacation alone with our spouses. And being working moms, we may feel that any free time we have should be spent with our kids. So I am posing the question to everyone of what you do to spend time with your significant other?
Some ideas I have already gathered include:
1. Date night – This is a great idea, however, finding a time without practice, dance, work functions, etc. is hard. But I am schedule in advance every 4 to 6 weeks. And this includes scheduling a babysitter!!
2. Lunch date – Another excellent idea, especially if you work close to your spouse. I also need to add this to my calendar in advance to block out any meetings/conference calls. And I really should do this since my hubby only works 2 blocks away!! I just need to stop having conference calls with the East Coast!
3. Movie night – One couple suggested that after the kids go to bed – make time to have a movie night (or even a favorite TV show) with your spouse. Maybe include dessert from Cheesecake Factory as a nice surprise.
4. Texting – yes, send your spouse a little note during the day to let him/her know you are thinking about him/her. It makes my day when I receive a text saying “I love you” and not “when are we picking up the kids?”
As I wrote this list, I know that a marriage isn’t easy and takes work, but there are easy things to do to communicate. And I definitely could use some more ideas!
Now, to set up my lunch date….
Jean Anne
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