Wednesday, November 16, 2011

ARGH!! First let me apologize for missing my post last Wednesday...I was on day 4 of a lovely flu bug which, incidentally, B brought home from school and passed on to me and H.  Poor H, we had to cancel her birthday party - TWICE - because of the darn flu.  So, the butterfly favors go away for a year..maybe I'll have a 1/2 birthday party for her! 

This week, I have been preparing for contested termination of parental rights hearings and a dissolution trial... today and tomorrow - thus my delay.
However, I do want to take this time to discuss how absolutely wonderful it is to have people that you know you can count on! My partner Joel and my assistant Lana saved my life last week by stepping in literally at the last minute to handle a Compel Hearing on Monday, then followed that up by reviewing opposing party's discovery responses, preparing MY witness and exhibit lists and exhibits, on Tuesday and Wednesday. All I had to do when I got back to the office finally, on Thursday was sort though the pile of mail and phone messages.  At home, my husband handled all "kid" duties once they were well, so I could wallow in my misery in peace.  I was a wreck and would not have been able to get through all of last week without all of them. Finally, when I did have to appear at a hearing last Wednesday, all of the other attorneys and the Judge were more than willing to agree to a continuance so I could recover fully and prepare.  You don't get that kind of camaraderie and understanding everywhere, so I feel really blessed. 

Today I have been preparing for a trial tomorrow. I realized, once again, how much I HATE litigation.  That queasy feeling I get in my gut...that neurotic concern that I'll forget something, miss something, or just completely mess's like giving birth: while you're experiencing it it is the most awful thing you can imagine, but as soon as it's over, you completely forget that until the next time! There's a reason I only have two kids! :)  I'll keep you posted if I decide to give up on trial work, too!


1 comment:

  1. What kind of trial work do you do? I'm curious. I have trials, but they are multi million dollar affairs out of town, which suck. They are very stressful. I have about one every other year, on average. The vast majority DO settle, luckily.
