Ever the pessimist, I thought for sure the scales would be back by morning. But I was wrong: baby work up this morning with a nice, smooth scalp. Even the red mark was gone! And that got me thinking: if cradle cap can be "cured" with olive oil, there must be a million other mom-remedies out there just waiting to be shared. In fact, when I really thought about it, even I had some (not-so-original-but-effective) mom tricks I've learned over the years. For example, I've learned:
- A drop of warm olive oil in the ear will immediately ease the pain of an ear infection until you can get baby to a doctor;
- Daily use of a coco butter stick on a scab will reduce or eliminate a scar (thank you Ms. Jautani!);
- That you can (sometimes) prevent a case of croup from sending you to the hospital by taking baby out into the cool night air;
- That you can remove even the driest skin by soaking it in a mixture of vinegar and water and scrubbing with a pumice stone (I admit, this has nothing to do with kids, but it substitutes as a pedicure when it's midnight and sandal season);
- Nothing clears up diaper rash quicker than exposure to air; and
- The best use of a Mr. Clean Eraser is to remove soap scum from a shower door (try it - it's better than any bathroom cleaner IMO).
I know I'm not the only mom with tricks like these. While on maternity leave with Snuggle Bug I met up with a friend of mine who has five kids who happened to mention that you can get pen out of couch fabric with Germ-X. And I know that was just the tip of the suggestion iceberg for her. So, let's share our best ones, Moms! List your coolest/most helpful/ most unique tips in the comments below!
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