Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Snuggle Bug turns one this week. One year old. I can’t believe it. I know it is cliché, and I know everyone says it, but man this year has gone fast. How can it be that Snuggle Bug is one already?

It has been an amazing year with Snuggle Bug. I know I have not done a good job of capturing her personality on this blog, but she has been an AMAZING baby. Honestly, husband and I were blessed in that all three of our children were wonderful babies, and Snuggle Bug is no exception. She’s cute and funny and so easy going. She’s a good eater, a sound sleeper and poops more than I thought humanly possible. She loves stuffed animals, but prefers to play with her brother and sister’s toys, especially ones that fit in her mouth. She’s mischievous, and will take any opportunity to crawl (quickly) up stairs. She plays games with you, often slipping out of her car seat strap just as soon as you reach for the second one. She doesn’t laugh easily (although the frustrate-the-parent-with-the-car-seat-strap game is apparently hilarious), so when she does for you it is all that much more special. She loves high fives. She appears to have a special bond with her brother and is already trying to mimic everything big sister does.

We are so blessed to have her as part of our family.

It is hard to reflect on Snuggle Bug’s first year of life without also reflecting on the 5 or so months before her birth when things regarding her health seemed so uncertain. All of the ultrasounds the doctors suggested we not watch. Undergoing tests we knew had a risk of loss. Facing decisions that literally meant life or death. Her life or death. And I never will forget the moment I walked into the delivery room and realized that in just a few hours we’d finally know for sure what our future would look like. As it turns out, our future was adorable.

Every day I thank God for bringing Snuggle Bug into my life. And I thank God for all of the friends and family who supported Husband and me throughout the pregnancy. When I look at Snuggle Bug, I am reminded of how blessed I am in so many ways. And exactly how many things I have to celebrate.

Happy first birthday Snuggle Bug! Thank you for everything you’ve brought into our lives!